First Mobility. November 25 - 30, 2019
Day 1 (November 24)
On 24 November, the students from Poland and Turkey started a Spanish adventure within the ERASMUS+ project"Say bye to bully, say hi to buddy".After a long journey,our students were extremely warmly welcomed by the headmistress, teachers,school orchestra and students together with parents who hosted our youth.
After the orchestra's short artistic performance, which presented traditional Galician music, our students visited the school of our hosts and then went with their Spanish friends to homes.
Day 2 (November 25)
Monday morning was started with an official welcome by the city authorities in ConcelloBarbadas, and then we went to visit the music museum where a surprise was waiting for us - inaddition to hearing the history of popular musical instruments in Galicia, the music teacherplayed the bagpipes. Then, the students tried churros - a traditional Spanish baking served withdelicious chocolate. The next point of the day was to visit the Concello de Ourense city hall. Wewere warmly welcomed by the city authorities and the students received small gifts. Then, wewent to explore the beautiful city of Ourense.
Finally, we were able to celebrate MAGOSTO - the chestnut festival, during which projectcoordinators from Polandand Turkey had the honour of lighting a fire. On this day, the studentscould not only taste delicious roasted chestnuts, but also traditional chorizo sandwiches. At theend of the day, there were common, traditional sports games.
Day 3 (November 26)
Today we started with participation in the lesson conducted by a Spanish music teacher during which pupils of a school in Spain presented their vocal and instrumental skills. During our struggles,the students took an active part ingeography lessons. The next point of theday was relaxation with karaoke during which our students presented their skillsand joined the Spanish school orchestra. They also learned a popular Galician song named 'Amorinos Collin'. After ashort break, we watched Lip-Dub, which was recorded by students from Spain.
Then, we watched presentations about the countries and the cities prepared by the coordinators of each of the countries:Spain, Turkey and Poland. Later, we tasted food at the IES Vilamarin catering school. It was a great culinary journey forour students, during which they discovered many new flavours. Our students were excited despite the bad weather.
Day 4 (November 27)
After arriving at the school early in the morning, the students started the day with preparations of slogans about preventing violence among students. Then, the physical education teacher prepared sports games to integrate the students. In the meantime, teachers from Spain, Turkey and Poland went to the school library where they voted for the logo of our new project. We were very pleased when, after counting the votes,it turned out that it was the logo made byour student - Ronan Weżgowiec from class 8c - that received the highest number of points and became the logo ofour project on preventing violence amongstudents.
The next planned activity onthat day was a puzzle game in which the students were to arrange the flags of partner countries. Our students dealt with this task the fastest. As a reward,they received gifts in the form of penswith engraved names and the name of the project. After completing the above tasks,we went to explore the city centreof Ourense. After lunch, we went to the Outariz thermal bath, where after ahard day we could relax by taking thermal baths. Refreshed and full of excitement, the students returned homewith their Spanish families.
Day 5 (November 28)
A cultural trip to Santiago de Compostela. Today, we visited the beautiful city of Santiago de Compostela, a city in north western Spain, in the province of A Coruña, the capital of the Galicia region. Located on the western foothills of the Cantabrian Mountains,about 35 km from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. We started the walk from Monte do Gozo and ended at Praza do Obradoiro. The monuments located in the city made an amazing impression on us. After visiting the most important monuments ofthe city, we went to the Italian restaurant named La Tagliatella where after a delicious dinner and dessert we went to further explore the city.
Day 6 (November 29)
Unfortunately, today our Spanish adventure is over. The day started with a mediation workshop during which we could learn how the school in Spain solves conflicts between students. At the end of the presentation, each participant received a commemorative bracelet with the logo of our project symbolizing the prevention of violence and harassment of students. Then, the students from Turkey presented a pantomime they had prepared in which they played the scene of harassment using movement, body language and gestures.In the next part, we were able to participate in the video recording of the clip(lipdup) in which there were slogans in English, Polish, Turkish and Spanish,which concerned the subject of our project.
After the workshop, the students went with their Spanish friends for lunch. There were emotions and tears, despitethe fact that we spent in Spain less than a week, our students managed to become very acquainted with classmates from partner schools. Thanks to the wonderful reception of our students by the families in Ourense, time passed veryquickly. See you in Poland!
First Mobility Brochure